AFRICA IS A CHEST OF DRAWERS Africa is indeed a highboy: a big chest of drawers of varying size, each Drawer so big and indeed provoking, treacherous size and ‘dark’ Thoughts, Provokingly insane is every drawer, so tough in Thoughts ‘dark’ you would gun the insane handle Of each drawer. But you are a mere constitute of one drawer, You are not the handle, what best can you do than Whisper in tears of blood, tears that dry the instance they exit The eye, whispers so mere That they are almost nonexistent. Now this Is the biggest problem: all the drawers are open, ready to receive blessings From above. A problem indeed. Drawers so open that only the spreading receive blessings, open that the Bottom drawers rot in need, no blessing they grasp. I know. I know what we need, a powerful weapon, so Big we need. To perforate every insane drawer, puncture every drawer, Bring down every handle, gun every Greedy handle so that even if the top ones are to close...