A survivor
By Rodger Munthali & Kingsley Kapito

I smelt the violence
The stinking loneliness
The Dark hours
Of ordered hypocrisy
Chopping our souls

Am lost in thoughts as you see
Why loneliness does smell stinky
Why hours so dark
Does it seem an ordered hypocrisy?
Why do I feel our souls are chopped thus?

We were called then
To witness betrayal
In my attempt
To mitigate
The possible catastrophe
Had not to be an
Authentic friend to anyone

't was an awful site if am to remember
Memories betray much as that betrayal was
But see, I refused to go
To witness
And am here, confused. If I only went
Something, somehow, somewhat…

At last we exhaled
The Dark hours shearing
With the white ones
Though I know
Its deception
Good a few knows

Then that’s how it all came pure
The confusion is Darkness
The color of my skin
If my thoughts are Dark
Then why do others see me
As I walk to church
Ain’t my invisibility the power of
My survival


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